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Annual Meeting for all neighbors - Monday, Feb 6 at 7 PM

As the name suggests, this meeting is held annually and is usually open to all members. At this meeting, board members address the big issues facing the HOA for the coming year, present the annual budget, elect new board members if/when necessary, and announce any upcoming projects.

You can join 5 minutes before the start and will be muted on entry. This first 2023 meeting will be via Zoom only to address all matters. Future meetings are also intended to be in-person with a Zoom option. Please have your content ready to provide a concise briefing, so each section is kept to about 5 minutes or less. - Election of new directors to replace some previous roles - Committee member additions/updates/adjustments - Brief review of outstanding matters that need attention: 2023 budget, taxes, etc. - Brief (2-5min) update from each committee to organize actions moving forward - Briefing on the recent Short Term Rental incident and action discussion

- Introduce new business to be considered, addressed, or resolved at the next meeting

- Membership drive update; 25/82 neighbors ROSP HOA Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 857 0918 9807 Passcode: 443962 One tap mobile +13462487799,,85709189807#,,,,*443962#

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